We found an old cast iron clawfoot tub for $50. This week we had the outside sandblasted by a local - Bachman Pugh - do you think he's German? Pete has sprayed the outside with Rustoleum. . .
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Clawfoot Tub
We found an old cast iron clawfoot tub for $50. This week we had the outside sandblasted by a local - Bachman Pugh - do you think he's German? Pete has sprayed the outside with Rustoleum. . .
Fall Views from Green Pastures Farm
Here are some photos from around the farm including Resurrection Lilies, Black Walnuts, Pecans, and Pears. Also, that wheelbarrow is Daddy's original and only wheelbarrow circa 1950s!
What Have We Been Up to???
Since we last updated the blog we've had both a celebration and a sorrow. We celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary with a getaway to a cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains. We sadly had to say goodby to our dear Toby. Although he had been showing his age of almost 13 years (96 Labrador years), he rapidly deteriorated in the first few weeks of September. We miss him greatly!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Farm House Foundation
As you can see in the following pictures, first Pete needed to find out just what was under the house. There were large wood posts that were obviously original (when removed they were like paper). There were intact sills and some rotted sills as well as usable carrying timbers and some that would need to be replaced.
Multiple "Catch Up" Posts
It's been a while since we blogged. There is a good bit to catch up on the happenings and progress at Green Pastures Farm so we'll attempt this in a series of posts; let's see, where to start . . .
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Lots Going On!
Wow! I didn't realize it's been a month since our last post. A lot of changes have taken place here at Green Pastures . . . where to start??? Remember this barn?
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Vulture
Sunday, June 27, 2010
It's Been Awhile
So, what's new at the farm? We have plums (yellow) and blackberries!
We have baby birds! This is the second round of sparrows . . . .
. . . and the baby vulture is trying to decide the best time to try flight! (will include a picture in the nest blog post)
Dad and Mom bought us the skid steer (Cat) you saw Pete "trialing" in the last blog post. Not to be outdone, the women had to try - "anything you can do we can do . . . . . . better????? . . . . . ok in this case we'll stop at can do."
(this is our friend Kathy who came and helped us this weekend)
and speaking of help . . .
We just got a call from brother David. He's in Atlanta and is planning to come up for a few days to help Pete!
We'll try to get a second blog post out this week - but that's it for now.
Pete & Debby
Sunday, June 6, 2010
New Toys
Here are two new Pete toys (well one is our's and one is likely soon to be our's).
First is a trailer. Pete has hauled the kitchen items from Florida that David and Priscilla gave us. We made 3 trips to the dump yesterday. And we've started moving some stored items to the farm from our home in Columbia. "You've got to have a trailer if you live on a farm" says Farmer Pete!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
A Gift from David & Priscilla
Pete has to get a contractor's bid on building the house and then as long as he [Pete] is the lowest bidder, the bank will allow him to be the contractor/builder. . . we think we can make that happen ;>}
Brother Sam sent a laser level and Pete rough surveyed for the planned home site. As soon as the building loan is secured, we'll have a professional surveyor site the property. At this point, estimate for "breaking ground" is the end of June!
Check out our farmhouse kitchen! Pete spent a few days last week at brother David and Priscilla's home in Florida. They graciously gave us the refrigerator, double oven, a microwave as well as a dishwasher! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And if that's not enough . . .
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Making Mulch
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Befores & Afters
It's amazing how quickly a week goes by. All week I intended to post an update on our progress from last weekend, but somehow the week has slipped by.
We are "overnighting" again this weekend at the farm. We had planned to rent a back hoe and start clearing the pasture of small trees and brambles, but it's supposed to be a rainy weekend. So, plan B is to burn the brush piles from the week's work. (this is only a partial pile).
Friday, April 16, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A Walk on the Farm
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Farmhouse
The existing farmhouse on the property is estimated to have been built in the late 1800's. According to the heir that was at our closing, her father was born there in 1910. The property was part of the Hawkin's family land at least 2 generations prior to that. The "old" homestead is further up the road on property adjacent to us. It is in sad disrepair - part of it has already fallen in on itself and is overgrown with vines.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
We are Farm Owners
Greetings Friends & Family!
First, I guess we should explain a little more. This all started with 2010 New Year Goals - one of which was what would we like to do in our retirement, when will that be, where, etc., etc. Pete & I have always talked about having some acreage, planting a big garden, maybe raising some animals. In our early relationship, that idea was along the lines of homesteading in Alaska and "living off the land". There have been a variety of iterations over the years including completely abandoning the whole idea. But, as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary this year, we find that our old dream continues to resurface.
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