
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Befores & Afters

It's amazing how quickly a week goes by. All week I intended to post an update on our progress from last weekend, but somehow the week has slipped by.

We are "overnighting" again this weekend at the farm. We had planned to rent a back hoe and start clearing the pasture of small trees and brambles, but it's supposed to be a rainy weekend. So, plan B is to burn the brush piles from the week's work. (this is only a partial pile).

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Naming of our Farm

This Easter Morning is the perfect time to explain the name of our farm.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Walk on the Farm

With April's arrival, we are discovering some of the flora on the farm. We went exploring last evening and here are some of our discoveries . . .