
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Chicken Update

It's almost May and I haven't posted any on the blog since early December.  So, it's a rainy day here at Green Pastures Farm and a good time for catching up.  I've posted a bunch of new posts starting with one titled 'December'. 

By the title of this post, you've probably figured out we have chicks (go back a few posts) . . . well now pullets.  Pete has been doing some new construction, but this time for chicken housing not ours!  Here's a few pics of the new hen house and coop. . .

Around the Farm in April

Debby sporting the latest in farm wear ~ jammies & muck boots
Come with me for a walk around the farm . . .

We Have Chicks!

11 Chicks to be exact...let's see there are 3 Black Australorps, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 2 Red Stars, 2 Dominiques, and 2 not sure, we'll just have to see when they get bigger (?? maybe White Crested Black Polish).


February . . . dawn . . . new . . . Spring  . . .


January was spent "hanging" together at the farm. 



December started with a Danube cruise highlighting the Christmas Markets of Germany, Austria, and Hungary.  It was beautiful and relaxing and a great start to the festivities of the Christmas season!