
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Barn Raising

There is so much to catch up on the doings at Green Pastures Farm . . . goats, eggs, landscaping, gardening . . .  but that will just have to come in bits and pieces, here and there.  Pete tells me the brothers want to see pictures of the barn progress, so that will be the subject of this post.

A barn raising describes a collective action of a community in which a barn is built or rebuilt.
Well, that's what we've been doing . . .

A large amount of preparation is done before the  barn raising. Lumber and hardware are laid in (check), plans are made (check), tradesmen are hired (check) and ground is cleared . . .

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Chicken Update

It's almost May and I haven't posted any on the blog since early December.  So, it's a rainy day here at Green Pastures Farm and a good time for catching up.  I've posted a bunch of new posts starting with one titled 'December'. 

By the title of this post, you've probably figured out we have chicks (go back a few posts) . . . well now pullets.  Pete has been doing some new construction, but this time for chicken housing not ours!  Here's a few pics of the new hen house and coop. . .

Around the Farm in April

Debby sporting the latest in farm wear ~ jammies & muck boots
Come with me for a walk around the farm . . .

We Have Chicks!

11 Chicks to be exact...let's see there are 3 Black Australorps, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 2 Red Stars, 2 Dominiques, and 2 not sure, we'll just have to see when they get bigger (?? maybe White Crested Black Polish).


February . . . dawn . . . new . . . Spring  . . .


January was spent "hanging" together at the farm. 



December started with a Danube cruise highlighting the Christmas Markets of Germany, Austria, and Hungary.  It was beautiful and relaxing and a great start to the festivities of the Christmas season!