
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Merry Christmas from Green Pastures Farm


Merry Christmas
Abundant Blessings in 2013
Pete & Debby
Duke & Smokey

The Whole Family for Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with 10 of us around the dinner table for this year's feast.  We are truly blessed!  Enjoy some of our family moments . . .

Cool Season Gardening

One of the many wonderful things about living in the South is year round vegetable gardening.  We actually had cucumbers and potatoes volunteer in the compost pile and we ate them at Thanksgiving!  Aside from volunteers, we have planted

Mustard Greens

Landscaping and LAWN!

Debby has been very busy this fall digging, planting, and mulching!  Pete helped with a new picket fence to surround what will be a cottage garden in the front of the house. 

Carport to Studio!

Pete is back to construction, but this time it didn't require a new foundation . . . well, ok . . . he did have to pour 10 yards of concrete to level the 7 inch slope.

Then . . . . . in October . . .

We went to the SC State Fair looking for goats, chickens, and donkeys.  This is a mini donkey I have my eye on . . .  after Christmas!

Sooooooo. . . . in August . . .

The siding was finished